KENO News Page

The Spring Kenotes is out. Check out issue highlights and breaking news below for retailers who are fans of Keno and all our social games.

  • Eli’s Sports Bar & Grill, Ross. Meet one of the Ohio Lottery’s high-performing retailers, Eli’s Sports Bar & Grill.
  • Tech Tips. Check out these helpful hints when loading paper into your MP or Touch and Win vending machines.
  • KENO Million Dollar Club. See the bars, taverns, restaurants and clubs who earned this distinction in FY23. This issue we showcase our bar/tavern retailers from north and north central Ohio. Here’s our newest members from central and southern Ohio.
  • KENO Point of Sale. See what’s available and boost your KENO profile.
  • Spring Cleaning. Many remodeling projects get underway this time of year. Please let your sales representative know so equipment moves can be made securely and you can get back to business.